Chetan’s fears took deeper roots. Intermittent days of anxiousness turned into thick layers of anxiety, gloom, dread, and panic that started to settle on his psyche. No matter how hard he tried, he could not break through those. A continuous sense of doom overtook him. Something terrible was going to happen. The dread stole his dreams, desires, and hope. Any sign of happiness was just a forewarning of a disaster about to happen.
The Truth
Is Stranger Than Fiction
Even Orwell could not have imagined what would happen in Punjab that year. The events in Punjab were a harrowing reality for countless individuals who suffered under the political chaos. For the people of Punjab, there would be no freedom from the shackles of mind control, as illustrated so dramatically by Apple’s iconic Super Bowl commercial, in which they’d introduce Macintosh to the world this very month. Macintosh was not going to emancipate the people of Punjab from their suffering this year. Sometimes, as they say, truth is stranger than fiction.